Playing Dropkick Touch Football, Here’s Your Options
Jul 10

Playing Dropkick Touch Football, Here’s Your Options

July 10, 2017 - 7 years ago

Here is what is offer for the next few weeks of Touch Football.  If you and your team are considering registering, but you are still working on payment, please let me know ASAP so I can secure your team space for one of the leagues you see below. 

Mondays – A new mixed league at Camdenville Park, St Peters which is specifically for teams that are new, or have only played 1-2 seasons. This league is really for the purpose that new people can come in and try the league but not feel intimidated. Can you play if you are an experienced team? Yes! But be aware the skill level is RECREATIONAL. Fun, easy games. 

Thursdays – The existing Thursday night league played at varying locations in the Inner West (Camperdown, Marrickville, etc, depending on council availability). This league is for intermediate, and recreational players and teams. Meaning you will probably play teams who have played Touch in previous seasons and generally have a good ability. 

Wednesdays – Federal Park, Glebe. This is going to be a varied mixed-gender season, meaning all abilities will be welcome. We will have 8-10 teams, so we can re-seed the season, meaning you play teams to your level in the final 3 weeks. 

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Playing Flag Gridiron, Here’s Your Options - Urban Rec
Jul 5

Playing Flag Gridiron, Here’s Your Options - Urban Rec

July 5, 2017 - 7 years ago

Mondays – A new mixed league at Camdenville Park, St Peters which is specifically for teams that are new, or have only played 1-2 seasons. This league is really for the purpose that new people can come in and try the league but not feel intimidated. Can you play if you are an experienced team? Yes! But be aware the skill level is RECREATIONAL. Fun, easy games. 

Thursdays – The existing Thursday night league played at varying locations in the Inner West (Camperdown, Marrickville, etc, depending on council availability. This league is for Intermediate, or Intermediate PLUS, meaning it will be more competitive, and we are only asking teams to play who have a few seasons under their belt, or have played before, and are confident. It is a MIXED league, but only 1 female required on the field. 

  • Start date: Thu 7 September (start dates may vary depending on registrations!)
  • Skill Level: Intermediate, Intermediate Plus
  • Duration: 6 weeks (may extend if we get enough teams)
  • Rego fee: $660 per team, or $75pp
  • Rego Link:

Tuesdays – Centennial Park League for our Eastern Suburbs friends. This is going to be a varied Mixed-gender season, meaning all abilities will be welcome. We aim to get 8 teams confirmed, so we can do a seeded Season, meaning you play teams to your level in the final 3 weeks. 

  • Start date: Tue 5th September (Start date may vary depending on registrations)
  • Skill Level: Recreational, Intermediate, Intermediate Plus
  • Duration:  10 weeks
  • Rego fee: $990 per team, or $125 per individual rego
  • Rego Link:
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Urban Race Comes to Spark Festival
Jun 8

Urban Race Comes to Spark Festival

June 8, 2017 - 7 years ago

Urban Race is your opportunity to spend yourlunch break with a partner competing in a one of a kind urban adventure race. You'll need to think on your feet and use your brain to solve puzzles, riddles and clues from a clue sheet to find 10 destinations, think of it like a scavenger hunt featuring fitness challenges, and also an opportunity to learn about unique new fitness companies in our city. 

Urban Race will be happening all week from Monday 16th October till Friday 21 October from 12noon till 2pm. 

Urban Race, is celebrated as part of Spark Festival. Let Urban Rec take you on a tour of all the new, innovative, and disruptive Fitness, Health, and Sport businesses operating in Sydney!  This amazing race adventure is for amateurs, athletes and everyone in between. 

This race is great for first timers and rookie runners because you run on your own, at your own pace. Nobody enjoys traffic jams, so our courses and destinations are designed with fluidity in mind. Being the fastest runner might not mean you win the race, as the clues and challenges will alter at each checkpoint. 

Participants will have the option of running the 5km course, or walking – that’s up to you. You are free to use any method at your disposal to solve the clues and find the destinations (think smart phone, tablet, phone a friend, ask locals etc.), but you must reach them by foot (no bikes, skateboards, busses, taxis etc.) 

At each checkpoint, you will have a task you need to complete – this could be a fitness challenge, a clue to solve, or an activity to overcome. You'll get to see corners and a history of the city you probably didn't know existed, and you'll have a blast doing it! 

Teams will be made up of 2 people, so when you buy your ticket, you are buying a team of 2 participants, $60 per team to enter into the race ($30pp). 

The race will begin, and end in Martin Place, so you will be able to participate in your lunch break, and be back in the office in under a few hours! Check in and packet pick up starts at 11:00 AM and race will start promptly at 12:00 PM You will need to bring a smart phone, ID and a pen or pencil. Everyone gets an event shirt and sponsor provided swag. 

The winning team each day will win a goodie bag full of crazy-good sponsored items, which will be to the value of $500!

To register, head over to our Events Page, and get you and your team mate locked in!

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What is March Madness?!?!

March 15, 2017 - 8 years ago

Got American friends?  Or been to a US college town during March?  Ever heard “March Madness” or “Final Four” and been confused or couldn’t understand why your American co-worker suddenly jumped out of his/her seat and starting yelling profanity while streaming sports while he/she is supposed to be working?

Or maybe your just a sports FANATIC and already know what I’m talking about?!?!

Bear with me, and I’ll enlighten you.  “March Madness” is the street name for the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament – the US National Championship Tournamnet for College Basketball.

So what?!  What’s all the hype about?!

  • 68-teams → big schools, little schools, private & public schools
  • stunning upsets
  • endless feel-good stories
  • team bonding & crowd buy-in
  • emotions – smiles, tears, laughter, anger, disappointment and joy…

This tournament somehow captures the attention of American sports fans worldwide for almost a month.  There are office bets, family rivalries based on school alma-maters and sudden engagement from those who know nothing about sports purely to have something to compete about through their brackets!

As an Urban Rec Member here in Sydney, why do I care?

Well...besides the FUN that can result from randomly picking teams to win, and a little friendly competition amongst your teammates and other Urban Rec leagues, you have the change to WIN A FREE INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION FOR ANY AUTUMN URBAN REC LEAGUE!

AND….come NRL and AFL finals, we’ll be opening up a bracket challenge too!  So use this as a good test trial!

Sweet!  I want a change to win a FREE INDY REGO!  How do I sign up?

Joining is simple!  CREATE YOUR BRACKET HERE! Our bracket group is UrbanRec AUS!  Let’s strive to give Australia a little representation!  

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Playing Sports As An Adult

February 28, 2017 - 8 years ago


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Don't Be A Dickhead
Jan 9

Don't Be A Dickhead

January 9, 2017 - 8 years ago

  1. If your team are winning the game by a lot, this is NOT the time to pull out your hero moves.
  2. If you don’t shake the oppositions had at the end of the game, you’re a dickhead.
  3. Talking back, or questioning our Event Hosts during the game play…is a dickhead move.
  4. If you see a beginner player, but use this as a chance to show off your mediocre skills, you’re in dickhead territory.
  5. If you hurt someone, even if it was by accident, do as your Mum taught you, say Sorry.  Don’t be a dickhead.
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Spring Feedback Survey

December 6, 2016 - 8 years ago

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Season Ender Tournaments FAQ's

November 3, 2016 - 8 years ago

What is a Season Ender Tournament?

Once every season, Urban Rec host’s Tournaments for you and your team mates. It’s like a finals night, or a presentation night, but more fun! Each team is entered into a mini style Tournament, where we play variations of the regular rules, and have a bit of fun. At the end, the Tournament winner is crowned, and also the Prize Winners from throughout the season claim their spoils in the Presentation Ceremony. 

I want to play in another leagues season ender, so I can try it out, is that possible?

You sure can. Just get in touch with us, and let us know which league and location you are thinking about joining. We will let you know the date and then add you to the schedule for you to try it out, for free!

Do we need to register? 

No, you don’t need to register. If your league is hosting a Tournament, your team will be automatically added to the Tournament schedule. Your schedule will be available online in the same place you see your regular games. If you don’t want to come to the Tournament, make sure you let one of our staff know. 

What are the prizes? 

If you played in the league, you could be getting your share of The Champions T-shirts, The ‘Chump’ions Prize, and Fun Points voucher. We will also be giving out prizes for the Tournament winners. 

What do I need to bring/wear?

Just bring what you would normally wear on a league night, and your usual team colour. Come ready for fun and socialising, so bring a few drinks as well for the spectating moments.

Can I bring a friend to watch or play?

Yes, specatators are more than welcome, bring them along. If they want to play, they will need to create an account, and become an Urban Rec member for free before they play! This is a great time to bring any friends or work mates who need some convincing before they sign up next season. 

Why is there no Tournament for my sport? 

Not every league will have a Tournament, so if you don’t see one for your league, make sure you register for another location or sport. 

How will we get our normal season prizes if we don’t come to a Tournament? 

If you don’t come, you will need to get your Captain or a nominated person to stop by our office in Marrickville to collect the prizes for the team. 

Only half my team can make the Tournament, but I really want to join in, can I register as an individual? 

You can reach out to another team and see if they need some extra players for the night, because it’s a friendly night, you can play with any team you like, BUT... Best option is to get your team to register. You can use subs!

Me and my team are planning to register and play in the upcoming season, can we join the tournament?

Yep, all Urban Rec members are welcome to join. All you need is your ‘fun-first’ attitude. 

What if it rains on Tournament Day? 

Certain fields and courts can be affected by rain. If we can, we will reschedule for a week later – if not, we might need to cancel, due to the projected start dates of the next season.

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New Location for Flag Gridiron, Dropkick Touch Footy & Soccer
Sep 19

New Location for Flag Gridiron, Dropkick Touch Footy & Soccer

September 19, 2016 - 8 years ago

For those teams, and individuals who don’t already know, we have decided to (last minute) relocate our upcoming Inner West Spring leagues to the state of the art astro pitch in Fraser Park, Marrickville. This means, games will no longer be held at Camperdown Oval. 

Why did we do this?

  • Fraser Park is brand new astro-turf pitch which means drainage, and no rain-outs! (Remember winter.. yeh?)
  • During the summer months the pitch will be lucious, green, and in tact, yes you can wear regular footy boots.
  • The fields are accesible via Sydenham station which has tons of transport from the city. The fields about a 2 min walk from the station. 
  • There is ample, free parking onsite. 

Leagues kicking off next week

  • Flag Gridiron – still spaces for individuals (Thursday nights)
  • Dropkick Touch Footy – still spaces for individuals (Thursday nights)
  • Yes – if your team wants a double header you can play in both leagues!

NEW Outdoor Soccer League

For the first time ever, we will be able to accept additional Thu night teams. Our Thursday night Caged Soccer comp sells out super quick, so now we have an outdoor comp for some of the teams who didn’t get into the Caged Soccer comp.  Woohoo. You can register for outdoor Soccer, (not caged)… here. Starts Oct 13. 

If you have any questions about this comp.. . get in contact ASAP, as we are starting next week, and we’re pretty close to sold out. 

Go you good things. 

P.s. Federal Park Wed night Glebe league will remain the same. 

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Flag Gridiron Tourney - August 23rd
Aug 8

Flag Gridiron Tourney - August 23rd

August 8, 2016 - 8 years ago

To end the Winter Season, and also announce two new locations for the Spring, we have decided to host a Flag Tournament to celebrate. 

Happening on Tuesday night at ES Marks Field, this is a great chance to play in a state of the art stadium against new teams, and old teams across Sydney. 

We have space for 8 teams, with half already sold out. Make sure you grab your mates, and register for this FREE event for all Urban Rec members. 

  • Where: ES Marks Field, Kensington
  • When: Tuesday 23 Aug, 2016
  • Who: All Urban Rec Members

Here is the link to register your team

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