Season Ender Tournaments
Mar 15

Season Ender Tournaments

March 15, 2016 - 9 years ago

This season we are excited to be offering a change to how we host our Season Enders. To give everyone the opportunity to play other Urban Rec teams, and sports, we are offering three Tournaments, for all Urban Rec members to play in for FREE!

Tournament Dates & Locations
  • Dodgeball Marrickville 13 April
  • Touch Glebe 20 April
  • Caged Soccer Marrickville 24 April

Our team are playing Dodgeball, can we register to play Soccer too? You sure can. Any team can play in any league, so long as they register. 

Why do we need to register, can’t we just turn up? No, you need to register, and make sure at least the minimum amount of players can make it to the Tournament. We want to make sure the experience is good for eeveryone, so that means commiting to come! Team’s won’t be added to the schedule, unless they register. 

What are the prizes? We will be handing out some vouchers for food, and drink,  trophies, as well as some Urban Rec merch. It’s not about the prizes (well, thats not the reason) it’s about meeting some new teams, testing your skills, havig a good time, ya know!

Why is there no Tournament for Flag/Multisport/Netball? This season we chose our most popular sports to host Tournaments for. We will definitley be holding Tournaments for other sports soon!

How will we get our normal season prizes if we don’t come to a Tournament? Prizes will be handed out on the last night of competition at each league. They will also be handed out at the season Ender Party. 

Only half my team can make the Tournament, but I really want to join in, can I register as an individual? Yes, like any normal league, we will be offering individual registration. But if we don’t get enough people in the team, youwon’t be able to play. Best option is to get your team to register. You can use subs!

Me and my team are planning to register and play in the upcoming season, can we join the tournament? Yep, all Urbaan Rec members are welcome to join. All you need is your ‘fun-first’ attitude. 

What if only 2 or 3 teams register? We need a minimum of 4 teams to make a fun Tournament. If we don’t get enough players, we will need to cancel :(

What if it rains on Tournament Day? If the fields can be eeffected by rain, we will likely cancel, and reschedule for the net week. We will be in contact to make sure all teams can play that following week. 

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Why Urban Rec Doesn't Offer Insurance

March 1, 2016 - 9 years ago

Urban Rec doesn’t provide any personal injury, or personal accident insurance, and we want to make sure you understand the reasons why, and also how you can get yourself covered.

Australia has one of the best public health systems in the world. As an Australian resident through Medicare we are entitled to free medical treatment. If you do have an accident, generally the cost is covered. You can read more about this here

Most Australian residents now have private health cover. The government has made it beneficial from a tax perspective for most of us to take out a policy. If you do have private health, look into your policy, and see if they cover for ambulance, and rehabilitation services like physio. They are the things you will most likely need if you are playing sport. You can find out more here

Blanket insurance policies don’t provide the kind of cover worth claiming for. Some local clubs, or organisations offer a blanket insurance policy for all their players. In our opinion, we don’t think this kind of cover is worth the paper it’s written on. Often after lots of paperwork through associations, and months of proving your injury, filling out forms etc, you can claim a measly $20-30 off your next physio appointment. We don’t think it’s worth it. 

Everyone’s circumstances are different. Some people have dependants, mortgages or jobs that can be affected by injury, and therefore premiums are vastly different. If we were to secure cover that was really worth it, we would need to access intimate details about your personal situation.

Insurance can add a lot of cost to your registration fee. If we were to take out an insurance policy for you as an individual, we would need you to pay at least 12 months of cover, even if you are only playing sport with us for 11 weeks of the year. It would bump up your rego fee’s another $100-$200 per person, per season. We don’t think this is affordable for social sports.

What can you do? If you don’t have a Medicare card or private health insurance, we suggest you take out a personal accident/injury policy such as this.  If you have a previous injury, or you are worried in particular about your income being affected by an injury, we strongly suggest you look into getting yourself covered with a personal insurance policy of some kind. Here are some example of insurance providers. (AAMI, GIO, Suncorp).

 If you’re visiting Australia from certain countries, you may be entitled to some subsidised health services under our Reciprocal Health Care Agreements. You can learn more about that here. 

At the end of the day, Urban Rec works very hard to make sure you are safe, and free from any hazards when you play with us. But, accidents do happen. So make sure you know what you are covered for, and stay informed. 

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Why Urban Rec Staff Are The Best

March 1, 2016 - 9 years ago

You have signed up to play a social sport. You think. Did that... work? Wait. How do I pay? You need to fill out tons of forms, and transfer the money by 3 weeks prior, and then you have no idea what time your game is, and you have no idea where to go. 

You get there, and no one is there to greet you, Are you in the right place? Who is in charge here? 

Finally you are in the swing of things, but you rock up on week 3, and no one is there but you and your team. What happened? You registered for a badly organised league. Shame on you. 

At Urban Rec, we do things differently.

You pay your rego fee's, and we do the rest. Part of what makes that easy for us, is the staff we have dedicated to you, your team, and the league. 

In every league you get one league manager, and one event host. You will know them by name, or you will see their faces on our website here, and here. So, what do they do?

League Managers

REGISTRATION: They help you throughout the registration process, ensure you have all the things you need to start in the league, and all your team mates have done their paperwork, you don't have to do the chasing, we will!

THERE TO HELP YOU SETTLE IN: They are always there for Season Opener night to help you settle in, especially if you are meeting your team for the first time!

RAIN OUT'S  OR SCHEDULE CHANGES: They ensure you are aware of any game changes or rain out's as early as possible by calling each Captain, and sending out texts to the entire league, so you don't waste your time getting to the venue for a cancelled game.

GAME CHANGES: They cater to any game change requests. We hate forfeits, and people missing out, so we make every effort we can to facilitate a game change, so you can play, and your opposition can too.

DISCOUNTS ON FOOD & DRINK: They organise specials for you at our Clubhouses for post-game hangs. We negotiate deals on food & drink, and organise fun events for the league to get involved in.

MAINTAIN A STANDINGS TABLE: They update your standings table, and results weekly, so you always know where your position is on the ladder.

MAINTAIN EQUIPMENT: They ensure all of your equipment is up to date, in good working order… say no to saggy balls, and sad bibs.

Event Hosts

KNOWLEGE OF RULES: They ensure  all teams know the rules well, they also teach the rules to all players on the season opener night

SET UP EQUIPMENT: They set up, and pack up the equipment for you each night. Feel free to help, but generally… we got this.

STAY ON TIME: They keep games on time! (crazy right!)

KEEP AN EYE ON THE GAME: They keep score (in most leagues), and offer calls where possible when teams cannot make their own calls during the game

COACHING: They coach any teams or individuals who would like some extra tips or hints!

MUSIC: They are in charge of the playlist! (yes you can make requests)

SEASON ENDER PARTIES: They organise and host the season ender parties and Tournaments. The last week is always the most fun!

SOCIALISING: They quite often would love to join you for a beverage post game, so invite them along, and make them feel like part of your team.

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