UR HQ: Summer Wrap Up

February 26, 2018 - 7 years ago

Things are in full swing behind the scenes at Urban Rec HQ, so here are some updates from us to you. 


We are hosting PUB NIGHTS as a new initiative this season. It means we hand pick one night per league and organise for FREE jugs to meet teams at the bar! The purpose… to get you guys socialising outside of the field, court, diamond, pitch. It’s all about the ‘third half’, right?

Danny and teams at The Bat n Ball till all hours on a
Friday night after Cricket and Softball!


We launched our SECOND ever league in Canberra this month. Flag Gridiron started very strong with eight brand new teams. Our main man in Canberra Donald said he was really impressed with the teams down there, we were worried they were going to take a while to buy into the “Urban Rec Way” but they all played with a seriously good attitude, and we are pumped about the future leagues we’re launching this year in Canberra. 

Teams relaxing with an esky after their first games in Canberra

Valentines Day traffic light parties

...went off with a bang. Shit got awkward at some of the leagues, but love isn’t easy. We certainly know which of our Event Hosts are on the market now, and which of our players are taken. Haha. It was a lot of fun, with my favourite part being Dan dressed up as cupid. 

Dan our Netball Event Host about to love sting the world.

Our new 2018 promo video launched

...and while it might not mean much to you guys, it’s seriously nolstagic and wonderful for me to watch. Seeing Urban Rec grow from ONE touch football league, and a dream in Dec 2011, to 31 leagues and locations across Sydney and Canberra. It’s seriously the most rewarding thing I have ever done. Thanks for believing in us everyone. :)

an epic dodgeball event for 4pines

4Pines celebrated Christmas in Feb this year, with a huge 200 person conference, plenty of beer, and a Dodgeball Tournament, we will never forget. The themes included ‘Gross’, ‘Where’s Wally’, ‘Bogan Pride’, ‘Summer Mullets’, ‘Denim Devils’… the list goes on, and they did not dissapoint. You would think people who work together would be less competitive, noooooo sir-ee. It was on for young and old, the cages we’re rattling, and no one was humble in their achievements. It was the definition of fun, and we should all try and get at job at 4Pines. 

We hosted them at Q Station in Manly! This photo
featuresplenty of beer being wasted. 


We hosted a SUPERBOWL SUNDAY TOURNAMENT, the Sun eve before the real deal in the US and it was awesome to see four new teams come out and try their hand at a new sport. We also bought a new Urban Rec Tournament trophy which is HUGE, 2 teams now have their names planted permanently on the big beauty as a part of UR history. Click here to see more about the event. 

The Tournament Champs from the Intermediate
division, Hail Marys! Look at the size of that trophy!!

Well, thats a wrap for Summer. We are going to do these updates more often. We are humans here behind the scenes, so we want you to know more about us, and what we get up to each season. 

Me (with the sunnies on head) at our last staff meeting! 
How great is our crew. 

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Chaos in the Cage - 5 Weeks in the Life of a Cage Host

February 23, 2018 - 7 years ago

Holly’s High Flying Los Flamas Blancas Still unbeaten 5 games in! Can anyone derail this train?!…The bookies are tipping Leanne and the rest of the Jillaroos from “It’s all in the Neymar” to take the top spot over the coming  weeks! Watch this top spot battle!

From the Top of the League to the Bottom… The Belters sit equal last with the Mad Cows, My sources tell me things are about to change at the tail. The Belters all time highest scorer, The Tatted Silver Fox himself Ryan Christie returning from a minor ankle injury could be exactly what the team need heading into the business end of the season. The Mighty Pig from the Mad Cows has been spotted putting his team through grueling training sessions on sunday arvos in a bid to rise up the league, after playing some real nice footy against the Neymars it would seem to be paying off!

And into the mixer! MID table battles GALORE! The Unicorns led by the Judge himself (occassionally the jury and executioner) had a storming start winning 3 from 3 but seem to have hit a couple bumps in the road, i can only imagine they are soon to return to winning way with hot shot Tommy Gun in fine form recently. 

Sitting just behind the unicorns in equal 4th place are No Baine & Leichhardt Utd! No Baine’s Baby Faced Assasins may not be able to get into a pub but they are certainly a force to be reckoned with as far as scoring goals is concerned! Leichhartd Utd Strong at the back, fast up front! Do not underestimate Marcus – The Greyhound with a rocket right hoof!

Onto the fan favourites Inner West Ham and Such Good Friends!! Inner West Ham...well what can i say, what they lack in eyebrow shape they make up for in heart! Having lost star man Jimmy Jangles to Japan the future looked bleak but not for Old mate Andy, the proud father to be, seems to have had a resurgence in recent performances not only saving but bagging goals at each end! SUUUUUCH GOOOOD FRIENDSSS, I dont want to make irresponsible correlations but is it purely coincidental that the SGF have began to decline at the exact moment Tom ‘the hulk’ Hogan Returns?

Stay Tuned! 

If you want to play Soccer with Urban Rec, you can join any of our Soccer, or Street Soccer leagues that run year round. 

Thursday Nights in Marrickville

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4 Reasons Workplaces Should Consider Recreational Sports
Jan 26

4 Reasons Workplaces Should Consider Recreational Sports

January 26, 2018 - 7 years ago

If you didn’t know by now, coporate wellness matters. The happiness of your staff can directly impact how they show up to work each day. Do they bring their sparkle, do they understand one another, do they know how to work as a team? These are things you need to sort out, and we can help. Urban Rec offers a range of ways for your most valuable assets to bond, play, sweat, and laugh. These basic human requirements don’t go away as you become an adult in the corporate world. 

Here are 5 stupidly obvious reasons your company should consider adding social sports to your company perks. 

SWEAT EQUITY. Der. It doesnt take any level of superior intelligence to know that people need to get their sweat on. Let's not even bore ourselves with the proven science. The shiny, sweaty face after someone has played 40 mins of Dodgeball or Soccer is invaluable. Your people need to sweat. It's that simple. #worksweatplay

BE A TEAM, PLAY AS A TEAM. You need to know that working towards something trivial (debatable) like a goal, or a point on the sports field speaks VOLUMES for what happens in the work place. It's subconscious, and phycolocially instilled in us on a human level that no manager can do by sending a motivational email. "Dear Team, Let's start working as a team - Sincerely, Bad People Manager MANFI" (Masters in No Fu*k#ng Idea)

GOODBYE SILOS. Finance don't talk to Sales, don't talk to IT. It's INSANE. When did spending 8 hours in the same (room) get so impersonal. Workplace collaboration is not about what you know, it's about who you know. Get to KNOW Ben from IT when you're encouraging him to defend the line in a game of Flag Gridiron. Get to KNOW who people are beyond their keyboard. *violently shakes the keyboard in the air in frustration*

KIDULTING IS A THING. if you are your team are too busy "adulting" you need to re-think EVERYTHNG. Being a grown up sucks, your ankle hurts, your too busy for recreation, and you got bills to pay. STOP your team from thinking like this. Sprinkle some variety in their day. Make them feel energised at work, excited, playful and young again. Make them spend 40 mins of their evening throwing Dodgeballs at other people before they head home and watch the MAGIC unfold. *spirit fingers*

Urban Rec witnesses a lot of teams who want so badly to be involved, they don’t wait for their company. They all get together and register for a sport thats close to work. BUT if you wanted to pioneer this effort, we offer plenty of ways for you to help you staff reap the benefits.

We make it easy with an annual discounted membership which allows the staff to try multiple sports and locations throughout the year.  Find out more here.

We host team building event on both small and large scale for any time of year, any time of day. See Urban Rec Events.

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Priority Re-Registration Now Offers Discount for Returning Teams
Oct 19

Priority Re-Registration Now Offers Discount for Returning Teams

October 19, 2017 - 7 years ago

We are very excited to be offering a NEW way for our returning teams to get added value. PLENTY of you have been playing within Urban Rec leagues for years – so we have found away to give you a little back, for the upcoming Summer season. 

Priority Registration is for any team that want to play with Urban Rec next season. Not only will you secure your spot ahead of any other Urban Rec members, or the general public, you will now get $60-100 off team rego. 

Here’s how it works. 

On Monday November 20th at 9am Priority Rego will open. Your team Captain will use their secret link to access registration, and the discounted fees. Priority Rego will be open for 7 days.

On Monday November 27th at 12noon all remaining team spaces will be available online and all prices will revert to regular seasonal fees. (Still a good price, but not a special price, ya know). 

That’s it!

Heres a few questions we reckon you’ll ask. 

What about individual players, do they get a discount? Sorry – individual rego remains the same price. If you and your team from last season are looking at  re-registering, consider doing it together as a team. 

What if we cannot get the team commiteed, and paid by that time? This one is especially for the organised and committed teams – you can start talking to your team now about next season so you don’t miss out. 

What if my team are signed up for Soccer, but we want to return into Dodgeball (for example)? We will co-ordinate your team to move sports and get you re-registered within priority rego period. Simply shoot us an email as it’s a bit of a trick on our end!

What if I am not the Captain, and I am going to be taking over the team next season? Make sure your Captain for the current season assigns you as Captain, and you will have access to the priority rego link to carry the team onwards!

How do we know when next season starts? Your Captains will be notified of next season start dates in their Captains chat – they are subject to change due to rain-outs or other re-shedules that can happen, but generally only a few weeks either side. The summer season generally runs Jan-Apr. Here are the tentative Summer start dates. 

  • Aussie Rules//Mon//Camperdown//15-Jan 
  • Basketball//Mon//Camperdown//15-Jan 
  • Basketball//Thurs//Redfern//18-Jan 
  • Dodgeball//Tues//Woolloomooloo//16-Jan 
  • Dodgeball//Wed//Marrickville//17-Jan 
  • Fast5Netball//Mon//Leichhardt//19-Jan 
  • Fast5Netball//Tues//Redfern//5-Dec 
  • Fast5Netball//Wed//Moore Park//31-Jan 
  • Fast5Netball//Tues//North Sydney//16-Jan 
  • 7s Netball//Thurs//North Sydney//18-Jan 
  • 7s Netball//Mon//Redfern//15-Jan//Intermediate league
  • Flag Gridiron//Mon//Camperdown//20-Nov 
  • Flag Gridiron//Tues//Centennial Park//12-Dec 
  • Flag Gridiron//Thurs//Camperdown//18-Jan//Intermediate league
  • Multisport//Wed//Redfern//17-Jan 
  • Multisport//Wed//North Sydney//13-Dec 
  • Multisport//Thurs//Pyrmont//1-Feb 
  • Multisport//Tues//Camperdown//6-Feb 
  • Rebound Volleyball//Tues//Sydney Uni//12-Dec 
  • Outdoor Soccer//Tues//Moore Park//16-Jan 
  • Street Soccer//Tues//Pyrmont//14-Nov 
  • Street Soccer//Thurs//North Sydney//18-Jan 
  • Street Soccer//Thurs//Camperdown//1-Feb 
  • Caged Soccer//Thurs//Marrickville//18-Jan//Intermediate league
  • Caged Soccer//Sun//Marrickville//21-Jan 
  • Softball//Tues-Fri//Moore Park//6-Feb 
  • Touch Football//Wed//Glebe//7-Feb 
  • Touch Football//Thurs//Camperdown//18-Jan 
  • Return to Recess//Tues//Pyrmont//29-Jan 
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Urban Rec Is Coming Canberra and Here’s Why You’ll Love It
Sep 13

Urban Rec Is Coming Canberra and Here’s Why You’ll Love It

September 13, 2017 - 7 years ago

Urban Rec is heading to Canberra if you’re from Sydney you probably already know what Urban Rec is all about. So what can Urban Rec bring to Canberra and why will Urban Rec be different in the most active city in Australia?

We run EPIC events- Urban Rec is kicking off in Canberra with a Beach Sports Party to show the city what we are all about. Sport, Food and beers on the beach, on a Sunday arvo it’s going to be amazeballs. One off events are not all we do, we run season ender parties at the end of each league, we plan and run some crazy Christmas parties and team building events. We can’t wait to show Canberra how social sports and parties mix.

We are a SOCIAL sports club- We play sport to have fun, we try not to make it too competitive. We love to share an orange at half time with the opposition and a beer after the game.

Don’t have a team? That doesn’t matter- Canberra is packed with people who moved here from interstate or overseas. At Urban Rec we give you the opportunity to register as an individual and we will hook you up with a team of other individuals who will become your new Canberra BFF’s.

Sport done DIFFERENTLY- We put our own little twist on sports so if you’ve never played before that doesn’t matter, neither has anyone else. We’re bringing the first Beach Soccer and Beach Touch Footy leagues to Canberra, Street Soccer is soccer but with prison rules, we’ve all seen the movie Dodgeball it’s the same but Ben & Owen are yet to register. Multisport is like the triathlon of ball sports but with more than 3 disciplines.

Subs- Want to play sport 5 nights a week? Urban Rec members get entry to our Subs Facebook group. When teams are missing a player you can sub in and try a new sport for free. We are the only sports club in Canberra that runs multiple sports over multiple nights that you can be a part of.

Sunday Arvo’s at the beach- Did you even know Canberra had a beach? We are creating Canberra’s favourite Sunday Activity head down to the beach between 3pm-5pm to play in Beach Volleyball and Beach Soccer leagues and chill out in the Canberra sun.

Want the run down of everything you can be a part of in Canberra this spring check it out here.

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Things We Do That No One Seems to Know About - Urban Rec

September 4, 2017 - 7 years ago

Sometimes it’s frightening how little our members know about the added perks we offer to our members. Seriously, lets get this shizzle out in the open…. 

End of season Social Events and Parties

​​We bust our little booties to bring you great social events and parties every season. Think Holey Moley Golf, Bowls n Beers, Backyard 90’s Parties, and Beach Parties to be envied. Our upcoming event to say ‘sayonara’ to Winter is The Social Serve. This event is purely for your enjoyment! We make no money off them, we just do these events so our members can enjoy some much needed recreation, chillax time with their team mates, and a chance to socialise with all the Urban Rec Members.

FREE games as a sub across any UR league

Unlike other providers, we facilitate a subs page for you to be able to participate and play for FREE as an Urban Rec member. Every night you can be sure teams are posting looking for players, and that means YOU get free game time, free fitness, and a chance to meet new people and try a new sport. Try before you buy mannnnn. 

Discounts at any UR Clubhouse

We have hand-picked, sampled, and selected the best venues in Sydney for post game beverages. Our Clubhouses offer great discounts for UR members. Like some are good, but some are GREAT. Seriously, in this very expensive Sydney lifestyle. Take advantage people!

Entry for FREE into any of our Season Ender Tournaments

Another collection of events that take a butt-ton of work, which we run for the love of it. These tournaments are FREE and not only are the teams who play in the leagues welcome, ALL of the players across any night or venue can get involved, and play for FREE and FUN! Here is a list of the upcoming Tournaments we are running. 

  • Flag Gridiron
  • Rebound Volleyball
  • Beach Party – Canberra
  • Dodgeball
  • Touch Footy
  • Soccer

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5 Reasons Urban Rec Is Not a Regular Sports Club

August 24, 2017 - 7 years ago

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Return To Recess
Aug 21

Return To Recess

August 21, 2017 - 7 years ago

Return to Recesss  is a new and exciting way to add a dash of fitness into your week.  This is a brand new way of keeping fit through sport, and other funtions and games. At Return to Recess, you will return to your inner child, and play some of the fun games you did in Primary and Highschool. 

Expect, warm-up games from your childhood, obstacle courses, playground inspired fitness, dynamic yoga flows, functional mobility, circuit challenges, and sports, & team training. This workout is going to be unpredictable, fun, and completely comprehesive. 

The workout is split into 4 “Periods”

Period 1 you will be returning to recess and playing adaptations of those games you played as a junior burger. Think stuck in the mud, Simon Says, Duck, duck goose – but with an extra twist of difficulty and fitness. 

Period 2 it’s P.E. and your coach with work all major parts of the body through drills, and skills to develop your sporting prowess. Each week we have a sport theme, meaning you will be learning something new each time you show up. 

Period 3 it’s GAME ON, and you will be representing your team on the playground arena. Find out the joys of playing sports not only to win, but to trick your body into a cardio workout like no other. 

Period 4 is all about rest and recovery. This is where we cool-down, chillout, and give that body some TLC. We will take you through some flow, some yoga and the worlds greatest stretch. Take a moment to think about how good you just did, and high five your team mates. 

WHO WOULD LIKE THIS? This workout is perfect for those people that get super bored working out. If going to the gym is like a punch in the face, then you will dig Return to Recess. You will be tricked into actually enjoying your workout through games, sport, and actual fun. 

Click on the Learn more buttons below to access more details about this leagues perks and pricing.

i want to return to recess

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Urban Rec Canberra, Coming to a Roundabout Near You
Aug 16

Urban Rec Canberra, Coming to a Roundabout Near You

August 16, 2017 - 7 years ago

At Urban Rec, we’re jumping with joy to be expanding into the nation’s capital. We’re bringing our special brand of social sport to the land of roundabouts, politicians and public servants.

Word around town is Malcolm, Bill, Barnaby, Richard and Pauline are already looking for more females to fill their dodgeball team, but If you don’t want to spend all your time arguing about things that should be common sense you can register yourself as an individual or get a team together. 

We are introducing ourselves to Canberra with a kick arse party, the best kind of party a Beach sport party!!! On October 8 Scroll down to find out more. 

  1. SOCIAL, BEGINNER FRIENDLY COMPS We pride ourselves on bringing you leagues that are actually fun, and targeted at teams and individuals that don’t take themsleves or the game too seriously. This is about fitness, new friends, and a bit of fun. Take it too seriously and be a dick and we’ll kick you out. Not kidding. 
  1. DIFFERENT SPORTS, AND STYLES OF PLAY Fast5 Netball is a more interesting version of Netball. Street Soccer is basically Soccer, but prison rules. Multisport is the BEST. You play with one team, but a different sport every week. 
  1. DISCOUNTS AND SPECIALS AT CANBERRA CLUBHOUSES Urban Rec think the ‘third half’ is just as important as the first and second. We work with local pubs to get you discounts and deals so you can enjoy a frothy one after the game with your new friends. 
  1. SUBS Want to try a different sport and meet some new people without registering to play the entire season? All UR members have access to our subs page where you can sub in for other teams that might be missing players. it’s fun, it’s free and you’re doing the team a favour so they might buy you a beer at the clubhouse after the game.  
  1. INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION Just because your work mates don’t want to play – doesn’t mean you should miss out. You can choose to sign up as an individual through Urban Rec for $100 per season. That’s literally $12.50 per game. Super cheap. Also… a great way to meet new mates. #squad

register as an individual $100


BEACH SPORTS PARTY Sunday October 8 Lyneham Beach. 

2pm-5pm. Mixed teams. 

Register  $15

Tuesdays – Multisport at Merici College Starts Oct 17. 

6:30, and 7:15, 8:00pm games. Mixed League. 

Register Your Team $720

Thursdays – Street Soccer at Merici College Starts Oct 19. 

6:30, and 7:15, 8:00pm games. Mixed League. 

Register your Team $720

Tuesdays – Dodgeball at Merici College Starts Oct 17.  

6:30, and 7:15, 8:00pm games. Mixed League. 

Register your team $720 

Summer Sundays – Recreational Beach Volleyball at Lyneham Beach Facility Starts Oct 22. 

Games between 3pm and 5pm. Mixed League. 

Register your Team $400

Summer Sundays – Skilled Beach Volleyball at Lyneham Beach Facility Starts Oct 22. 

Games between 3pm and 5pm. Mixed League. 

Register your Team $400

Summer Sundays – Beach Soccer at Lyneham Beach Facility Starts Oct 22. 

3:00, 3:40 and 4:20 games. Mixed League. 

Register your Team $720

Summer Sundays – Beach Touch Footy at Lyneham Beach Facility Starts Oct 22. 

2pm-6pm games. Mixed League. 

Register your Team $720

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Urban Rec say "Hello" to North Sydney
Aug 3

Urban Rec say "Hello" to North Sydney

August 3, 2017 - 7 years ago

As we expand, so too does the demand for actual social, fun, and well organised sports. We have a good chunk of our 6,500 members who live or work north of the bridge, so this Spring we are sailing north, and here are a few of the things we are going to be offering. 

  1. SOCIAL, BEGINNER FRIENDLY COMPS We pride ourselves on bringing you leagues that are actually fun, and targeted at teams and individuals that don’t take themsleves or the game too seriously. This is about fitness, new friends, and a bit of fun. Take it too seriously and be a dick and we’ll kick you out. Not kidding. 
  1. DIFFERENT SPORTS, AND STYLES OF PLAY Fast5 Netball is a more interesting version of Netball. Street Soccer is basically Soccer, but prison rules. Multisport is the BEST. You play with one team, but a different sport every week. 
  1. DISCOUNTS AND SPECIALS AT NORTH SYDNEY CLUBHOUSES Urban Rec think the ‘third half’ is just as important as the first and second. We work with local pubs to get you discounts and deals so you can enjoy a frothy one after the game with your new friends. 
  1. LEAGUES THAT HAVE A START TIME NO LATER THAN 7.15PM We get that most of you are finishing work and coming straight to your game. That means waiting around the office till 9pm is basically hell. So we schedule games right after work, and no later. 
  1. INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION Just because your work mates don’t want to play – doesn’t mean you should miss out. You can choose to sign up as an individual through Urban Rec for $125 per season. That’s literally $12.50 per game. Super cheap. Also… a great way to meet new mates. #squad

register as an individual $125


Tuesdays – Fast5 Netball at North Sydney Oval

​6:30, and 7:15pm games. Mixed League. (Register your interest)

Register your team $750

Wednesdays – Multisport at Ridge St Tennis

​6:30, and 7:15pm games. Mixed League. 

Register Your Team $900

Thursdays – Street Soccer at Ridge St Tennis

6:30, and 7:15pm games. Mixed League. 

Register your Team $880

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