Urban Rec launches in The Shire
Mar 5

Urban Rec launches in The Shire

March 5, 2020 - 5 years ago

The problem with organised sport is that it’s full of douche bags and it’s normally not organised (the irony). Just because you were not destined to play for Australia, doesn’t mean you should have stopped playing. 

Urban Rec is a judgement free, beginner friendly, fun-first-no-dickheads sports club. Now we are coming to The Shire. An exciting collaboration with The Rec Club in Miranda, an influx of niche sports, and a sprinkle of crazy. 

These leagues are especially for the mother-funners out there that want to get fit, but not take themselves too seriously. Do not apply if you think winning at the expense of your oppositions enjoyment is cool. 

What is cool, is the new sports on offer;

The end result here is a enviable amount of incidential fitness, an affordable alternative to running on a treadmill, the opportunity to make new mates as an adult – yes that can happen – *gasp*. Oh, and you will remember why you secretly used to love chasing balls around – even though you have two left feet. 

Options glaore. You can pay a $150 deposit and lock in your team – or you can join as an individual and be matched with new friends, or you can bring a friend (for free*), and join a team together. 

Sport, for fun. 

*yes, for free. This season we are offering a ‘bring-a-friend-for-free’ deal to help make the decision easy. Pick a league and team, register – email us, and we’ll add your friend for free. TA-DA. 

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How to win a $1,000 Bar Tab
Feb 27

How to win a $1,000 Bar Tab

February 27, 2020 - 5 years ago

The problem is Captains never get the credit they deserve. They are always hustling to get everyone to pay, they have to do all kinds of horrific maths, and quite often they can end up short changed. WHATS WORSE, if you captain is disorganised they can miss out on rego, and you can be shunted from the league. 

Pri-rego is how we guarentee your spot. It’s ONLY for teams that play already and it’s a chance to lock in their spot ahead of the general public. It’s a good thing – but to make it better, we always try and reward the Captains that make the effort to be organised. 

THIS SEASON (AUTUMN 2020) WE WENT CRAY. We approached 10 of our clubhouses across Sydney and got you a $1,000 BAR TAB. There is only ONE, and last season we had only 66 teams using pri-rego, so your odds are good. 

How to enter

  1. Use Pri-Rego, by accessing the link provided to you and your team mates in week 7, 8, 9 (no excuses for missing it)
  2. Pay in full – sorry not for new teams or deposits
  3. We will be collating your team name in a bucket, and on April 30*, we will draw and announce the winners. 

Can you enter late, if you miss the pri-rego deadline? No, that would be silly. 

Can you change into another league using pri-rego? Not techincally, but email us within your pri-rego period and we will see what we can do. 

This story is going to end very well for a lucky group of friends who will experience either a) the biggest day/night ever, or b) the most distance covered in a pub crawl. 


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Urban Rec launches in The Hills
Jan 24

Urban Rec launches in The Hills

January 24, 2020 - 5 years ago

Big news for little ole’ Urban Rec. This year we have announced new sports and new leagues in The Hills. Based off our current members interests we have decided to launch with just a few sports. 

But even better than that – we have gone all out, and make our team rego fee’s HALF PRICE. Crazy. We are that sure you are going to love it. THAT SURE that you will be back next season, that we are doing this one-time offer. 




As usual, we will be offering individual teams for both our leagues. This is also priced at a lower cost of $89 for the first season. AMAZING, RIGHT? Our indie teams usually fill pretty quick, so make sure you don’t miss out. You can read more about individual registration here. 

The rest, is still unwritten. 

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6 Reasons Why You Should Just Stick to Sport - Urban Rec
Jan 13

6 Reasons Why You Should Just Stick to Sport - Urban Rec

January 13, 2020 - 5 years ago

If you have ever felt underlying resentment towards running (or even working out), then you should look into doing something that distracts you from what is ultimately happening. Playing sport is the ultimate way to get fit without noticing. Then there’s the calorie counting, if you’re into that - but the sweat, the steps, and the red face says sport is the secret forgotten fitness hack.

Here are 6 reasons you should consider playing sport over any other fitness fad.... 

  1. Low commitment - You only need to commit to 10 weeks, no crazy annual subscriptions. Opt in, opt out. Repeat. 
  2. Accountability -  Enter your 5 team mates who need you to show up…. or they can't play, that’s one way to ensure you always show up – and you never regret it. 
  3. Outdoors – Being outdoors is phenomenal for your mental and physical health. Hello healthy vitamin D. 
  4. Cardio is incidental – You don't have to force it. It just happens. On average most people run 2-3km during a game of social sport. 
  5. Making friends is easy and non awkward – When's the last time you approached someone on the rowing machine to introduce yourself? Exactly…. Sport is the best way to break down social barriers. 
  6. Affordability? The most you will pay is $13 per game, which makes playing sport cheaper than almost all fitness classes on offer.

Choose a nearby location, find a sport you used to love, and join us for a 10 week season, starting in the next few weeks.

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Jan 9


January 9, 2020 - 5 years ago

We are in the midst of an unprecedented Bushfire season which has resulted in plenty of smoke haze and plumes. We have worked hard to come up with a policy and procedures that puts our players and staff’s health first. But, we want to ensure you get the games you paid for, while working with the tight availabilty of venues. 

Flexibility with rescheduling: Our priority is making sure you get the amount of games in the season that you registered for (Usually 10). In a situation like this where some games may not be played due to smoke, this may mean we need to be creative, as some of our bookings with venues have strict time frames. If you miss games due to smoke your team may need to play a double header - or in extreme circumstances - if multiple games are postponed due to smoke we may need to play make up games on another night of the week. We will always try our best to make sure we come up with a solution that works for your team. 

Here’s how we will be handling smoke in 2020. Please note this policy is for outdoor sports, indoor sports will go ahead as usual unless you hear otherwise. 

  • Firstly and most importantly if your team does not feel comfortable playing in the conditions but you have been advised that games are going ahead, let us know via email [email protected] or phone us (preferably with as much notice as possible) and we will then do everything we can to reschedule your game in the upcoming weeks. There will be no forfeit or default fees but we ask you give us as much notice as possible so we can organise a game for your opposition. Please do not let us know via the captains chat as we will endeavour to get your opposition a game and it causes confusion. 
  • For the foreseeable future whilst the smoke conditions are unpredictable, we will be communicating to the Captains Chats on whether games are going ahead that night. We will endeavour to make the first call by 4pm. 
  • We use this website to monitor AQI. If the AQI is above 200 we will postpone games. [Note we use this website as the NSW Health website uses a 24 hour average scale which is different to the widely used and trusted AQI Index. The numbers on the NSW website are always extremely high compared to other sites. You can read more about this here].
  • If games are postponed we will try our hardest to get your new schedule to you within 2 days. 

If you have heart, lung or any health condition that may be affected by smoke we recommend you consult your doctor to see if playing sport is right for you. 

What we learnt last year that has influenced our new policy

  • Often smoke haze is strong during the day, but quickly clears at night. Meaning if the smoke is touch and go, we may make a call later than usual
  • We always want to continue games. If you’re keen and it’s safe to do so, games will be going ahead. Some players and teams had concerns and that’s totally fine that’s why it is always your choice to play or not. 
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