Urban Rec launches in The Hills
Jan 24

Urban Rec launches in The Hills

January 24, 2020 - 5 years ago

Big news for little ole’ Urban Rec. This year we have announced new sports and new leagues in The Hills. Based off our current members interests we have decided to launch with just a few sports. 

But even better than that – we have gone all out, and make our team rego fee’s HALF PRICE. Crazy. We are that sure you are going to love it. THAT SURE that you will be back next season, that we are doing this one-time offer. 




As usual, we will be offering individual teams for both our leagues. This is also priced at a lower cost of $89 for the first season. AMAZING, RIGHT? Our indie teams usually fill pretty quick, so make sure you don’t miss out. You can read more about individual registration here. 

The rest, is still unwritten. 

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