S3 Netball-7s Moore Park [Mon] REC Rules


  • The number of players shall be seven (7) players.
  • There can only be a maximum of three (3) male identifying players on the court at one time who must be distributed into separate thirds of the court. (One in each third max)
  • Due to high volumes of demand for this specific sport we do allow all for all female/gender diverse teams, please contact  for more info.
  • Please consider our Default, Forfeit, and Substitute Policy
  • Substitutes can be used as long as they have created an account and signed the most up to date Urban Rec waiver. During gameplay, substitutes can be made at any point in the game.
  • No more than one height advantage player can play in GS & GA, WA/WD & C, or GK & GD at the same time.
    • Be conscious of your team members height and aim to distribute taller players throughout the court.
  • If your team is unable to field the gender requirements for any reason please discuss with your host prior to the game’s commencement.



The game is played in four (4) 8 minute quarters with a few minutes break at half/quarter time.


A standard Netball court is used however some variations may vary depending on the venue.


Captains will play Scissors, Paper, Rock to determine who starts with the ball and what quarter their team has their Double Points Round.


Each goal scored within the goal circle is worth one (1) point and each goal scored outside the goal circle within the goal third is worth three (3) points. All goals scored in teams designated Double Points Round, are doubled (1 point is 2 points & 3 points is 6 points).


  • GOAL SHOOTER (GS) & GOAL KEEPER (GK): Can use one (1) third of the court (Attacking Goal Third). GS can shoot from within and outside their teams goal circle. 

  • GOAL ATTACK (GA) & GOAL DEFENCE (GD): Can use two (2) thirds of the court (Attacking Goal Third & Centre Third) GA can shoot from within and outside their teams goal circle.

  • CENTRE (C): Can use all three (3) thirds except both goal circles. 

  • WING ATTACK (WA) & WING DEFENCE (WD): Can use two (2) thirds of the court (Goal Third & Centre Third). Cannot enter the goal circles.


The play is started with a pass from the centre circle – this is called the centre pass. There is a centre pass at the beginning of each quarter and half, and after each goal is scored. The person making the centre pass must stand in the centre circle and wait for the Event Hosts whistle to commence play. The opposing centre can stand anywhere in the centre third but all other players must start in the goal thirds (behind the middle third lines) until the Event Host blows the whistle to start play. All other Centre Passes get rotated between teams after each goal. The ball must be caught in the centre third once the whistle has been blown before making its way down the court.

  • 3 POINT SHOTS: Must be taken from outside the goal circle only, GS or GA only.

  • 1 POINT SHOTS: Must be taken from within the goal circle by the GS or GA only.

  • NO dunking is permitted and jump shots are at your Event Hosts discretion.


There are two types of penalties in netball, Free Pass & Penalty Pass.

  • FREE PASS is awarded for infringements on the court involving one player. The pass is taken where the infringement occurred by any player who is allowed in the area. The offending player does not have to stand beside the thrower taking the pass. If a free pass is awarded in the goal circle, the shooter may only pass the ball – not shoot for goal.

  • PENALTY PASS/SHOT is awarded for contact, intimidation and obstruction infringements. The pass is taken where the infringer was standing, except if it places the non-defending team at a disadvantage. Any player who is allowed in the area can take the pass. The penalised player must stand “out of play”. That is, beside and away from the player taking the pass and making no attempt to take part in play. This includes directing play, until the ball has left the thrower’s hands. However, the player taking the penalty has the option to either pass the ball immediately, or to wait for the infringer to stand out of play. If a penalty is given to a Goal Attack or Goal Shooter in the goal circle they are awarded a “penalty pass or shot”, meaning they can pass or take the shot from where the penalty was awarded.


Each player is allowed in only a certain area of the court. If a player steps into an area or any part of their body touches the ground in an area their playing position is not allowed to go, will be ruled offside. This is ruled even if the player does not have the ball or is not active in the play.


Once a player has landed with the ball, the first landed foot is called the grounded foot and must either stay on the ground or in the air until the ball is passed on. Re-grounding that same foot a second time while still in possession of the ball is a step which will result in a free pass to the opposition. Similarly, a hop, slide or drag of the grounded foot is not permitted.


Once the ball has been caught; the player must pass it or shoot for goal within three seconds.


A player with arms extended cannot defend a player with the ball closer than 0.9m (3 feet). This distance is measured from the first landed foot of the attacking player to the nearer foot of the defending player. A player may stand closer to an opponent without the ball provided their arms are not extended, but a player may not use intimidating actions against an opponent with or without the ball. If the defending player has their defensive stance and the attacking player lessens the distance in their throwing or shooting action, then the defending player is not considered to be obstructing because it was the attacking player and not the defending player who shortened the distance.


A player cannot accidentally or deliberately come into contact with another player in a way which impedes their play. For example, pushing, charging, tripping, throwing the body against an opponent or using the ball to push or contact an opponent. Players must not hold an opponent, nor keep their elbows against another player. Players must not run with the arms extended across any player.


A player who has possession of the ball may not bounce the ball and re-gain possession of the ball (replay it). If a player does not catch the ball cleanly, it may be allowed to bounce once to gain possession or batted or bounced to another team mate. After throwing the ball, a player cannot play it again until it is touched by another player, or rebounds off the goal post. A player cannot:

  • punch, roll, kick or fall on the ball;

  • gain or pass the ball in any way while lying, sitting or kneeling on the ground;

  • use the goal post as a way to regain balance or as a support while stopping the ball from going out of court.

  • When shooting, the ball must touch the goal ring before the player who shot the ball can regain possession again (replay).


When the ball goes out of court, the Event Host will try to see who made the last touch on the ball. In the circumstance when the Event Host does not see who touched the balls, players should make an honest call themselves. The throw in is then taken by a player from the opposing team close to where the ball went out of court. Standing close to the line from the outside of court, the player has three seconds to get the ball back in play.


The ball must be touched in each third. If a third is missed, the turnover is taken from where the ball crossed over the last third. If the ball is being taken as a throw in from the baseline, it must be caught in the goal third. If the ball is being taken from the sideline, it can be caught in the next third.

  • ONE-FOOT LANDING – When a player lands on one foot they may step with the other foot, lift the landing foot, but must throw the ball before re-grounding the lifted foot. They may use the landing foot as a pivoting foot, stepping in any direction with the other foot as many times as they wish. Once the pivoting foot is lifted they must pass or shoot before re-grounding this foot.

  • TWO-FOOT LANDING – If a player catches the ball and lands on both feet simultaneously, they may step in any direction with one foot, lift the other foot but must throw or shoot before re-grounding this foot. They may pivot on one foot, stepping in any direction with the other foot as often as they wish. Once the pivot foot is lifted they must throw the ball before re-grounding this foot. They may jump from both feet onto either foot, or step and jump but must throw or shoot before re-grounding either foot.



All Urban Rec leagues, irrespective of skill level, are fun-first. Our Event Hosts facilitate a fun, safe environment for teams. They will acknowledge, coach and make calls according to your level of experience playing the game. Urban Rec leagues expect a certain level of self-officiation, meaning that players are expected to display good sportsmanship to govern their behaviour. Open communication and camaraderie between teams is encouraged.


Urban Rec Event Hosts have the final say on any issue that cannot be self-resolved.

If you are seen to be rude or not playing within the respect of the rules, your Event Host has the right to ask you to sub and take a break. If your Event Host then has to warn you more times then they have the right to ask you to leave the field or court and an assessment will be made if you can return to play. We don’t tolerate idiots, play fair.


Urban Rec seeks to provide a safe, inclusive and happy environment for our members, staff and participants. Gender diverse, transgender and non-binary participants are welcome to play within our leagues along with any sexuality and persons from any background. Urban Rec has zero tolerance for bullying, discrimination or sexual harassment.